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Utility Debt Collections

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Utility Industry Collections

Collecting customer accounts is a critical part of the utilities business. You work hard to provide your customers with water, electricity, gas, waste management and other services. Customers need the services you provide, and you need them to pay on time.

Utility providers must have an effective process for recovering from late or non-payers. Southwest Recovery Services, LLC can help your utility company optimize its cash flow with our debt recovery services. 

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Challenges in Utility Industry Collections

Having the resources to employ a full-scale internal collection operation is difficult. Dedicated staff, resources and necessary technologies are all part of what is needed to do more than make a few calls and send letters or emails in the hope of recovering all of your money. The need to outsource to the right third-party management company has become more essential than ever.

Common Issues Faced

Many utility companies are still working in a system that is rigid and old-fashioned, causing several issues to arise. Some of the most common challenges that face the utility industry include: 

  • Outdated information: While data records of customers can vary, customers can fail to update their information when they move. Utility companies rely on current email addresses, social security numbers and new addresses in order to collect payments on time.
  • Identifying fraud: Identifying fraud has become increasingly difficult in the utility and energy sectors. Fraudulent payments can cause additional delays, including nonpayment and necessary legal action.
  • Late payments: Late payments disrupt cash flow and overall revenue for a utility company. Utility companies rely on timely payments in order to provide future services.
  • Disputed charges: Customers can dispute a utility charge if they believe there is an error. Whether your company decides to dispute back can delay payment even further.
  • Rule and regulation changes: As technology advances, utility companies can face changes to the rules and regulations. The ability to keep up with these changes can influence building long-term customer satisfaction.

Addressing Unpaid Utility Bills

Depending on your utility bill payment type, you may experience issues that require unique solutions. For example, parking tickets are disputed more often than water and sewer bills. 

Your company needs an effective strategy for receiving your owed payments to help avoid these challenges. The utility debt collection statute of limitations varies by state, but it is generally between three and six years.

Utility Billing and Collection Strategies

Utility companies have used checks and envelopes to collect invoices in the past. This method often creates delays due to unpredictable postal systems and the possibility of letters getting lost. The need for stamps can also be harder to obtain in our technology-driven environment for those in larger cities. 

Technology provides opportunities to collect more payments on time than traditional methods. E-statements — or electronic statements — are generally more convenient for customers. If you are still using mailed invoices, consider switching to e-statements for the following benefits:

  • Easier to use: With e-statements, customers can pay their bills online from the comfort of their own home. They often have step-by-step instructions, making electronic payments much more convenient and simple than sending in an envelope.
  • Autopay opportunities: Online payments can offer autopay to ensure on-time payments. Customers sign up for the service, and the utility site automatically pulls the payment from their account on the same day each month.
  • Less expensive: Traditional methods require customers to purchase stamps to send in their payments. Stamp expenses can add up and cause additional stress for customers who must pay their bills.

You can contact your bank to switch to e-statements. The process may vary, but they will be able to provide more information on how to get started.

Southwest Recovery Services, LLC: Your Solution for Utility Debt Collection

Southwest Recovery Services, LLC is a 20-year leader in utility industry receivables management. Our company services hundreds of thousands of utility accounts annually and returns millions of dollars for our clients, dealing with all issues involving billing disputes and fraud. We also possess top-tier technology that can assist in locating customers who have become non-responsive to your contact efforts. 

We can help you with:

  • First-party collections: We can handle your first-party debt collection utility bills, as we contact your customers directly. They will then pay us, and we will transfer the amount to you.
  • Third-party collections: We also deal with your third-party collections — or long outstanding balances. Our efficient debt recovery strategies ensure you receive the amount owed to you, even taking legal actions when necessary.
  • Consulting: Even if you are waiting on outstanding balances, our consulting services can teach you how to optimize your cash flow. We utilize effective credit and collection policies to reduce your slow-pay and non-pay accounts.
  • Skip tracing: Utility payments often go unpaid due to customers moving away, not updating their information or purposefully going missing to avoid responsibility. Our skip tracing services can help us find a person’s location to collect debt.
  • Asset location: Our asset location services help your company take advantage of your investments to increase your cash flow. This service includes taxable accounts, tax-exempt accounts, tax-deferred accounts and more.

Our services follow all state and federal laws and regulations, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). We conduct our communications to maintain positive customer relationships for us and our clients.

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Contact Your Trusted Utilities Debt Collection Agency

At Southwest Recovery Services, LLC, we have your utility company in mind. We design debt collection services to meet your individual needs, ensuring you recover the payments you need to be successful.

Our team proudly serves utility companies around the nation through offices in Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Ohio, Florida and Georgia. Contact us today to get started.

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